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The largest base of indigenous peoples, traditional populations and protected areas in Brazil
With the word, our partners and supporters
Testimonials from those who accompany and support our projects and actions
"We have been working and developing training and training for our indigenous communicators from Rio Negro. ISA is always following us and we, as communicators, are bringing our languages to our audio bulletin"
Claudia Ferraz
Wayuri Network
"ISA went in search of a market for our product, in search of knowledge about the companies, in search of knowledge about the fair price. ISA really changed our lives a lot"
Raimunda Rodrigues
Extractive Reserve Rio Iriri - Pará
"Respecting the way indigenous and quilombolas live is fundamental for the future of forests and the planet. I am very happy to be able to support the struggle of the organization, which has a great history of resistance alongside these populations for their territories and for the right to keep alive."
Cauã Reymond
"I am the first indigenous person to be vaccinated against Covid in Brazil. I recorded an audio for the "Copiô, Parente", ISA podcast, encouraging relatives to be vaccinated and it is a great joy and satisfaction to participate in this channel that connects us, indigenous peoples throughout Brazil."
Vanusa Kaimbe
President of the Council of Kaimbe Indigenous People of the State of SP
"I feel honored to be able to share the struggles and campaigns led by ISA, and bring more awareness to the need for the demarcation of indigenous lands and the preservation of Brazilian forests."
Maya Gabeira
"Thank you, ISA, for giving this value to the life of humanity and fighting to preserve the life of planet Earth and of us, native peoples, of this country called Brazil."
Clarindo Campos
Indigenous Association of Barcelos - Amazonas
"ISA's legacy is very great, very strong too, and I hope it will continue to collaborate, advise and cooperate with indigenous peoples in Brazil."
Andre Baniwa
Indigenous Organization of the Içana Basin - Oibi
"I have followed and supported the work of ISA for years because in this way I connect deeply with people who do what I wanted to do: listen to and strengthen the autonomy of native peoples. Recently, I became a partner because we made the film “The Last Forest” together. , about the Yanomami and with a script by the shaman Davi Kopenawa."
Luiz Bolognesi
"I want to congratulate ISA for this fierce fight, in defense of traditional peoples and especially of indigenous communities that are today defending our forests, nature and the environment."
Carlos Barromeu
Coordinator of FUNAI between 2009 and 2012
"I learned about the work of ISA when supporting a campaign that fights for the removal of illegal miners who bring a lot of pain to the Yanomami Land. It was an opportunity to understand that looking at the indigenous people is to protect not only the forest, but their ancestors, the true caretakers of this land. ISA has a fundamental role in this task."
Paloma bernardi
"The Instituto Socioambiental is a great partner for Cooperquivale and for the quilombola communities in supporting the commercialization of family farming products."
Rosana de Almeida
Nhunguara Quilombo - Ribeira Valley
"ISA fought and won, together with indigenous leaders, the demarcation of the Alto Rio Negro Indigenous Land. I believe and see: this is the history and its greatest legacy as a partner of the indigenous peoples of the region."
Dagoberto Azevedo
Tukanoan anthropologist
"Indigenous peoples are essential for the preservation of the environment. They are the guardians of our land. I got to know ISA through Beto Ricardo, who is one of the founders and I have followed this very important work in defense of our greater good ever since."
Leticia Spiller
"Congratulations to the staff of Instituto Socioambiental who for over 27 years have been tireless in defending the rights of indigenous peoples, traditional communities and the environment"
Mara Regia
"We stayed here in isolation and ISA and Atix were the partners that helped us (to face the disease)"
Chief Kuiussi
indigenous leader
"ISA and the European Union have had a fruitful and trusting partnership for over 30 years. ISA has a consolidated, consistent and clear institutional evolution in the defense of traditional peoples."
Cristina Carvalho
European Union
"The Instituto Socioambiental has an essential work in the defense of cultural and environmental heritage and the rights of indigenous peoples. The fight against mining on indigenous lands is one of the most important for the preservation of our forests."
marina person
"Through the ISA I came in contact with several stories, from several peoples. I strongly believe that there is no individual way of winning. All victories must be collective. The ISA summarizes this very well!"
"ISA is like mycorrhiza, a network that is everywhere helping to sustain the forest and its inhabitants."
Fernando Meirelles
"ISA has contributed to the articulation of public policies, helping communities to protect their territories and to build an economy model that values forest products"
Francinaldo Lima
Terra do Meio Canteen Network - Pará
"Due to the competence derived from years working with local indigenous peoples, ISA has also served as an inspiring example in our global performance over the last 30 years."
Ellen Hestnes Ribeiro
West Germany
"There is no way to work on the socio-environmental theme and not be a partner of ISA. ISA is super strategic and efficient in what it proposes to do and is a pillar organization in Brazilian socio-environmentalism."
Ana Toni
"The partnership between ISA and the quilombola communities is like the strength of our arms in the fields. One helps the other."
Laudessandro Marinho da Silva
Quilombo Ivaporunduva - Vale do Ribeira - SP
"I believe that the ISA is a fundamental part of a society where the "I" has become greater than the whole. The work done with sweat and excellence shows what the whole society should do: integrate to grow."
Gaius Paduan
"We have the challenge of proposing a Casa das Frutas, a great job, and ISA has given us the strength to value our fruits, our products."
Sandra Gomes
Association of Indigenous Communities of the Middle Rio Negro - Acimrn
"For us, the peoples of Rio Negro, ISA's work is of great importance, relevance and is, above all, an institutional commitment and that of its entire team, which works to defend the rights of indigenous peoples."
marvelton barroso
Federation of Indigenous Organizations of Rio Negro - Foirn
"ISA is a place of welcome and at the same time of inspiration, because there we work with seriousness of purpose, I strive for goals and many dreams in my hands. I love being a partner in this movement."
Thaddeus Jungle
"ISA's main differential, in my view, is its “presence” in the countryside, at the edge, on the trails, on the existential peripheries. This presence is its greatest gift."
Johannes van de Ven
Good Energies Foundation