A collective of organizations demands a thorough investigation of the motivations and those involved in the heinous crime and demands the immediate dismissal of the president of Funai, Marcelo Xavier
The "Isolated or Decimated" campaign, led by Coiab (Coordination of Indigenous Organizations of the Brazilian Amazon) and by OPI (Observatory for the Human Rights of Isolated and Recently Contacted Indigenous Peoples) and which has the support of the Socio-environmental Institute (ISA), the Survival International, Opan (Operação Amazônia Nativa), Uma Gota no Oceano and the Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil (Apib) regrets and demands justice for the brutal execution of Bruno Pereira and Dom Phillips, murdered while traveling along the Itaquaí River, in the region from Vale do Javari, in Amazonas.
We demand a thorough investigation into the motivations of this heinous crime and of the organized group that has been involved in the constant invasions of the Vale do Javari Indigenous Land, of which the confessed murderers are part.
We demand the immediate dismissal of Marcelo Xavier from the position of president of Funai. We will not accept the continuation of this anti-indigenous policy and the direct connivance with the deliberate extermination of the indigenous population, activists and Funai employees during the current government period. It was during Marcelo Xavier's management that Bruno Pereira was dismissed in 2019, removing one of his best and most experienced servers for simply fulfilling his mission. There are no conditions for Marcelo Xavier to continue in the presidency of Funai.
We also emphasize the importance of the work developed by Bruno Pereira since 2011, together with the Kanamari, Tsohom Djapá, Korubo, Kulina, Marubo, Matis, Matsés peoples, in addition to his commitment to defending the rights and territories of the isolated indigenous peoples of the Javari Valley. In addition, Bruno served as General Coordinator of the General Coordination of Isolated and Recent Contact Indians (CGIIRC) between 2018 and 2019, being an exemplary servant and a reference to current Brazilian indigenism. More recently, he acted as a great ally of indigenous organizations, collaborating as an advisor to Univaja (União dos Povos Indígenas do Vale do Javari)
The invasions of the Vale do Javari Indigenous Land by criminals are a faithful portrait of the policy against indigenous peoples and expose the method adopted throughout the national territory to take away indigenous peoples' rights, silence and criminalize the indigenous movement and environmentalists. The absence and omission of the State, in this and in countless other indigenous lands across the country, empowers invaders by the certainty of impunity for their crimes.
Therefore, we we join the manifest of the Servants and Servants of Funai and we support the National Strike Act, which will be held next Thursday, the 23/06, to demand that the investigations into the deaths of Bruno and Dom be more in-depth and expose the actions of organized crime established in Vale do Javari.
In addition, we demand immediate reinforcement at the Vale do Javari Ethnoenvironmental Protection Front Bases to ensure the protection of other indigenist and indigenous professionals who work in the region and are on the front line in the investigations into the disappearance of Bruno and Dom.
Finally, we demand that Funai fulfill its institutional mission and the Federal Constitution, guaranteeing the effective protection of indigenous territories and the lives of their peoples and allies.
For an indigenist Funai and for indigenous peoples! Justice for Bruno and Dom!
Isolated or Decimated Campaign
June 21, 2022