How the ISA is organized
How the ISA is organized
In addition to the founding members, ISA also has effective members. See below who the founders and effectives are.
founding associates
- Alicia Rolla - Geographer, GIS analyst. She was part of the PIB / Cedi team between 1985-1994, where she specialized in obtaining and qualifying geographic information and in thematic cartography related to protected areas. She coordinated ISA's Geoprocessing sector from 2000 to 2004. She is a member of ISA's Protected Areas Monitoring Program and the Amazon Network of Georeferenced Socio-Environmental Information, of which ISA is the coordinator.
- André Junqueira Ayres Villas-Boas - Indigenist. He worked in the Xingu Indigenous Park (MT), in the Ticuna do Solimões (AM) and Xavante (MT) areas, as a FUNAI employee between 1978 and 1985. He was head of the Indigenous Lands Coordination of the Ministry of Agrarian Reform and Development/MIRAD in 1986-87. He was deputy coordinator of PIB/CEDI between 1988-91 and later its general coordinator in 1992-93. He was a founding partner of NDI and a member of the Board of Directors of Fundação Mata Virgem (1991-92). He is a founding partner and member of the Board of Directors of Imaflora and Saúde Sem Limites. He represented ISA at Amazon Coalition between 1996-97. Since the end of April 2011 he has been the executive secretary of ISA.
- Carlos Alberto (Beto) Ricardo - Anthropologist, researcher and editor of publications, activist with long experience in the world of NGOs in Brazil. One of the founders of CEDI (1974), where he was Assistant Secretary General for eleven years. Graduated in Social Sciences from USP (1972), where he completed his master's degree. Former teacher at Colégio Santa Cruz and Unicamp. Creator and coordinator of the Indigenous Peoples in Brazil/CEDI project (1978/1992), member of the National Coordination of the campaign for indigenous rights in the Constituent Assembly (1996/1998). Received the Goldman Environmentalist Award/92 (USA). Founding partner of CCPY (1974), NDI (1989), ISA (1994) and Vídeo nas Aldeias (2000).
- Carlos Frederico Mares de Souza Filho - Lawyer, Master in Public Law and Professor of Environmental Law at PUC-PR. Author of publications on environmental and indigenous law. He was Secretary of Culture of Curitiba and technical director of NDI. He is an international consultant in the area of collective rights and peoples' rights, participates in ILSA (Latin American Institute of Alternative Legal Services).
- Eduardo Viveiros de Castro - Anthropologist. Doctor in Anthropology, researcher and professor at the National Museum/UFRJ. Specialist in Brazilian ethnology, he carried out research among several indigenous peoples. Author of several books and articles in Brazil and abroad. Consultant to the PIB/CEDI team since 1978, he participated in the coordination of the Araweté Project: A Cultural Exchange.
- Enrique Svirsky - In memory - Environmentalist, Uruguayan by birth, business administrator, master in sociology from FLACSO. Specialized in the elaboration, negotiation and evaluation of projects, he worked at CETESB. He was vice president of ISA and from May 2005 to December 2010 he was deputy executive secretary. Enrique passed away on December 3, 2010.
- Fany Pantaleoni Ricardo - Anthropologist, graduated in Social Sciences at USP with a postgraduate degree in Anthropology at Unicamp. She was part of the team of the Programa Povos Indígenas no Brasil – CEDI from the beginning until its end in 1994, as a researcher of Indigenous Lands in Brazil, and of the book series Happened: Indigenous Peoples in Brazil.
- Geraldo Andrello - Anthropologist. Graduated from Unicamp, where he did a master's degree based on field research with the Taurepang Indians of Roraima. He was head of documentation for PIB / CEDI (1992/93) and between 1994-1996 he moved to São Gabriel da Cachoeira (AM), where he was a researcher and advisor to indigenous associations and communities within the scope of ISA's Rio Negro Program. He teaches at the Federal University of São Carlos (SP).
- Isabelle VidalGianinni - Graduated in Biology, Master in Social Anthropology. She is a founding partner of ISA where she coordinated an interdisciplinary technical team for the development of the Forest Management and Territorial Management Project among the Kayapó-Xikrin. As an independent consultant, she worked in the area of indigenous school education as a researcher in the thematic Project-Indigenous Education developed by the Mari-Grupo de Educação Indígena / USP. She acted as a consultant for the PDPI / UNDP in the reformulation of projects aimed at ethnodevelopment in the Kayapó Kapoto, Kayapó Baú, Krahô ILs and training of Indigenous managers in the Tocantins region. Within the scope of FUNAI / PPTAL, she participated in GTs for the identification of Indigenous Lands and in the discussions and elaboration of the Manual “Identification of Indigenous Lands-Environmental Report / Ethnoecological Survey” and “Environmental Licensing of the Indigenous Component”. She was a consultant for The Nature Conservancy and works as a consultant in the preparation of environmental licensing studies (ECI) and Project detailing (PBACI) of the Indigenous Component related to different projects. She is a member of the Brazilian Anthropology Association and represents ISA on the Kayapó Fund's Technical Commission.
- Jose Carlos de Almeida Libanio - Anthropologist. He was advisor to the Canadian Embassy Small Projects Fund (1988-89). Founding partner of NDI, where he was Executive Secretary (1990), former Executive Director of Greenpeace/BR (1991) and former advisor for environmental policies at WWF/Brazil (1992-94). He was UNDP's sustainable development advisor in Brasília.
- Juliana Ferraz da Rocha Santilli - in memory - Prosecutor of the Public Ministry of the Federal District. PhD in Social and Environmental Law from PUC-PR and author of the books Socio-environmentalism and new rights: legal protection of biological and cultural diversity (São Paulo: Peirópolis; ISA; IEB, 2005), Agrobiodiversity and farmers' rights (São Paulo: Peirópolis; IEB, 2009) and Agrobiodiversity and the Law: regulating genetic resources, food security and cultural diversity (London, Earthscan, 2012) and several articles on socio-environmental rights. She is an associate researcher in the program "Local populations, agrobiodiversity and traditional knowledge", developed by the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) and the State University of Campinas. She participated in the international training programs Contemporary Approaches to Plant Genetic Resources, Conservation and Use, from the University of Wageningen, in the Netherlands, and from the École Thématique Internationale Agrobiodiversité: des hommes et des plantes, from the Center de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (CIRAD) and from the IRD, in France.
- Marcio Santilli - Philosopher, graduated from Unesp, he was president of Funai from September 1995 to March 1996. Founding partner of ISA, he was Executive Secretary, member of the Board of Directors, advisor to the Y Ikatu Xingu Campaign and the Climate Change Initiative. He is currently an advisor to ISA's Socio-Environmental Policy and Law Program in Brasília.
- Marina da Silva Kahn - He graduated in Social Sciences at PUC-SP in the late 1970s and took his master's degree at UnB, without defending his dissertation, in the late 1980s. Nearing the turn of the 2008st century, he did a specialization in Public Policy at Lyndon Johnson School of Public Affairs in Austin, TX, which culminated in a six-month internship in Washington, in the Brazilian sector of the World Bank. His participation in academic forums, seminars and lectures were guided by his insertion in indigenism. She has articles in scientific journals on indigenous school education. As of May XNUMX, she joined the Board of Directors.
- Mario Mantovani - Geographer. Environmentalist, specialist in water resources management, coordinator of the União Pró-Tietê Nucleus (SOS/MA). Founder and secretary of the National Association of Municipalities and the Environment. He is currently director of institutional relations at Fundação SOS Mata Atlântica.
- Neide Esterci - Anthropologist. PhD in Anthropology, she is a professor and retired coordinator of the Nucleus of Rural Studies at UFRJ. She was a partner at Cedi, where she was a member of the board and coordinator of the Peasant Movement Program. Researcher, author of several articles and publications: Cooperativism and collectivization in the countryside: questions about the practice of the Popular Church in the countryside (organizer); Conflict in Araguaia: peons and squatters against large companies (author); Rural settlements: diversity and perspectives for an Agrarian Reform policy (co-organizer); Slavery: social frontiers of inequality (author). She was president of ISA from 2001 to April 2010. She returned to the presidency in 2011, where she stayed until 2014.
- Ricardo Azambuja Arnt - Journalist. Former Planeta Magazine, Exame, TV Bandeirantes, Folha de São Paulo, Jornal do Brasil and Jornal Nacional on TV Globo. Author of the books: What is Nuclear Politics (1983); Their War: Armamentism and Brazil (1985); An Organic Artifice: Transition in the Amazon and Environmentalism (1992); The Fate of the Forest (1994); Panará: The Return of the Giant Indians (1998); Jânio Quadros: the Prometheus of Vila Maria (2004); and What Economists Think about Sustainability (2010).
- Rubens Ramos Mendonca - Forest engineer. Environmentalist, founder of the Pro-Juréia Movement, vice president of 5 Elementos - Institute of Environmental Education and Research, head of the Technical Division of the Superintendence of IBAMA/SP and guest professor at the Dept. of Forest Sciences at ESALQ/USP. He worked on ISA's Xikrin project from March 2001 to late 2002.
- Sergio Barros Leitao - Lawyer, specialized in formulating and monitoring legal actions in the area of collective rights. From 1990 to 1994, he worked at the Núcleo de Direitos Indígenas (NDI), one of the organizations that gave rise to the Instituto Socioambiental. Founder of ISA, he was coordinator of legal activities until December 1999. He worked as an advisor to the presidency of Funai until May 2000 and then assumed the position of special advisor to the Ministry of Justice, where he remained until the departure of Minister José Gregori in September 2001. From November 2001 to January 2002 he was an advisor to the Council for Access to Genetic Heritage of the Ministry of the Environment. For two years he was a volunteer contributor to the US Rainforest Foundation. He was Executive Director of ISA between January 2004 and May 2005. He was Director of Public Policies at Greenpeace-BR and is currently a member of the Board of Directors of Instituto Escolhas
- Stephan Schwartzman - Founding partner of ISA is a PHD in Anthropology from the University of Chicago. He is Director of Policy for Tropical Forests in the International Climate Program of Environmental Defense (ED), a North American NGO specialized in the environment, which cooperates with ISA in the Panará Project. He carried out research and doctoral thesis with the Panará (Krenhakarore) when they were still living in the Xingu Indigenous Park. He then worked with ISA to support the Panará in recovering part of their traditional territory on the Iriri River. He conducted the first socioeconomic survey related to the proposed Cachoeira do Seringal Extractive Reserves in Xapuri (Acre) and accompanied rubber tapper leader Chico Mendes on two trips he made to the United States before he was assassinated.
- Tony Gross - Political scientist with field research between the Apurinã Indians (AM) and the rubber tappers of Xapuri (AC). In Brazil, he was a representative of Oxfam (1982-87), coordinator of the socio-environmental project of CEDI (1989-93), national coordinator of the Global Forum in Rio-92 (1991-93), consultant for the Ministry of the Environment (2005-12) and Special Advisor to the Government of Acre (2009-2010). He was Deputy Executive Director of the Center for Our Common Future (Geneva 1994), Officer of the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (Geneva and Montreal 1994-2001), Director of the Foundation for International Environmental Law and Development (London 2002-2003). He received the Chico Mendes Award from Florestania (Acre 2004). Since 2004 he has been a Senior Researcher at the University of the United Nations.
effective associates
- Ailton krenak - Indigenous leadership of international renown, he was one of the founders of the Union of Indigenous Nations (UNI), joined the Aliança dos Povos da Floresta and founded the Nucleus of Indigenous Culture to which he is dedicated to this day.
- Adriana ramos - She has been an advisor to ISA since 1995. She studied social communication and has been working in the field of socio-environmental public policies for over 25 years. She represented the Brazilian NGO Forum on the Amazon Fund Steering Committee from 2008 to 2013 and was a member of the Executive Board of the Brazilian Association of NGOs (Abong).
- Aloisio Cabalzar - Anthropologist, graduated in Social Sciences and Master in Social Anthropology from the University of São Paulo. He has worked on the Tiquié River since 1991, and joined ISA in 1996. He worked on the demarcation of the five Indigenous Lands of the Upper Rio Negro in 1997, in the creation of the database of the communities of the Upper and Middle Rio Negro. At Tiquié, he has coordinated and collaborated on several projects related to environmental management, joint research with experts and indigenous youth, ecological and sociocultural calendar. He organizes publications based on the projects developed and one of them, Manejo do Mundo, received the Jabuti award in 2011.
- Aurelius Rios - Briefly, I am Brazilian, born in Minas Gerais, I hold the position of Deputy Attorney General of the Republic, and currently I hold the position of Federal Attorney for the Defense of Citizens.
- Benedito Alves da Silva - Ditão, as he is called, is an important and former leader of the quilombo of Ivaporunduva, in the city of Eldorado, in Vale do Ribeira (SP).
- Biviany Rojas Garzon - Political scientist, lawyer and Master in Social Sciences from the University of Brasília. He has been working in the Amazon with indigenous peoples and other forest communities since 1998, specializing in the subject of the right to consultation and free, prior and informed consent, environmental licensing and public participation in major infrastructure works. She is currently the coordinator of the Xingu Program at the Instituto Socioambiental -ISA. Among other publications, she organized the book Opportunities and challenges for the implementation of the ILO Convention 169 on indigenous and tribal peoples in Brazil (2009) and the dossier Belo Monte - No conditions for the Operating License (2015), she is also co-author of the books: Right to Consultation and Consent of Indigenous Peoples, Quilombolas and Traditional Communities (2016) and Autonomous Consultation and Consent Protocols: Guidance Guide (2019).
- Caio Luiz Carneiro Magri - Sociologist from the University of São Paulo (USP), he is Executive Manager of Public Policies at the Ethos Institute of Business and Social Responsibility. He is a member of the Nossa São Paulo Movement and a representative of the Ethos Institute at the Sustainable Amazon Forum.
- Christina Adams - Associate Professor at the School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities (EACH-USP) and at the Institute of Energy and Environment (IEE-USP), she is a researcher in the field of Human Ecology for over 25 years and has been investigating agricultural systems and ways of life forest. It participates in the Global Assessment of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) and the Brazilian Platform on Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services.
- Deborah Duprat - Joined the Federal Public Ministry on October 16, 1987 and, in early 1989, was appointed by the Attorney General of the Republic to integrate a commission on indigenous rights that he had just created. She joined, along with Eugênio Aragão, with the first action for the demarcation of post-1988 indigenous land (yanomami). In the 1990s, he filed numerous public civil actions, among others, banning DDT, apostille of pesticides, refinancing of debt of mill owners, release of grains by CONAB, having proposed the first of them in which national effects of the sentence of origin were postulated ( readjustment of 147% for INSS pensions and retirements). Since 1997, she has been a member of the 6th Chamber of Coordination and Review of the MPF (indigenous peoples and traditional populations), leading its coordination from 2004 to 2016. less than 20 days, more than 30 actions of concentrated and abstract control of constitutionality, in the most different areas. From 2009 to 2013, she was Deputy Attorney General of the Republic, acting, instead, with the Federal Supreme Court and the National Council of the Public Ministry, and, eventually, with the National Council of Justice and Superior Court of Justice. . In 2011, several civil society organizations informally nominated her for the post of Minister of the Federal Supreme Court. From May 2016 to May 2020, she headed the Federal Prosecutor's Office for Citizens' Rights, a top body of the MPF that performs ombudsman functions. She retired from the MPF in May 2020.
- Deborah de Magalhães Lima - Graduated in Biological Sciences at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1980) and Master's and Doctorate in Social Anthropology at the University of Cambridge (1982-1992). Associate Professor IV at the Federal University of Minas Gerais, she works mainly on issues related to the Anthropology of Traditional Populations, usually in the Amazon and focusing on the following topics: socio-environmentalism, sustainable use conservation units, Mamirauá and Amanã RDS and the Solimões River floodplain. In Minas Gerais, she coordinates the Center for Studies in Quilombola and Traditional Populations-NuQ, at UFMG, with which she carried out several works with Afro-descendant groups, especially quilombos, and a Calon group from the city of Belo Horizonte. She has been president of ISA since 2019.
- Fernando Alphen - Lua.net's Chief Marketing Officer. Graduated and Postgraduated in Business Administration at FGV and History at USP. He was Creative Director and Planning Director at F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi, and Chief Strategy Officer at J.Walter Thompson.
- Fernando Mathias Batista - Bachelor of Laws from PUC in São Paulo, he worked at ISA for ten years and is currently an advisor to the organization Aid of the Norwegian Church – NCA (Church Aid).
- Gisela Moreau - Training in dance and plastic arts at PUC. Provides coordination assistance at the São Paulo Environmental Education Center. She is a founding partner of Associação Sambatá Música e Cultura and Oscip Bem Comum. She is the director of the company Crisantempo Produções Artísticas and coordinates the Crisantempo Socioambiental Cineclube. She has been a partner of ISA since 2009 and has supported activities of the Xingu Program and the Rio Negro Program in Roraima, in addition to hosting the institute's activities in its cultural spaces in SP.
- Jose Eli da Veiga - Doctor in Economics from the University of Paris, he is Senior Professor at the Institute of Energy and Environment of the University of São Paulo. The issue of sustainable development has been at the center of his concerns for four decades, since when he worked at the National Institute for Agronomic Research in France, in the early 1970s. A columnist for the newspaper Valor Econômico and the magazine Página22, he has published 21 books.
- Jurandir Mendes Craveiro Jr. - For 35 years he has been one of the main brand planning and communication professionals in Brazil. He was JWT's Head of Planning for Latin America in the 1990s, planning brands for Unilever, Nestlé, Ford, Credicard, Shell, Brasil Telecom, TIM, etc. In the following decade, he was one of the founders of the communication agency NBS (http://nobullshit.com.br) and planner of the brand case for the mobile operator Oi, from its conception and launch to its expansion in the market. for years in a row. He is also one of the founders, former director and current vice-president of Grupo de Planejamento in Brazil. Since 2010 he has been a Brand and Communication consultant and managing partner of i2 Ideias e Inventos Ltda.
- Servant Lion - He is a journalist, directs the Santa Clara Ideias content agency. He worked as editor and director in several publications, such as Folha de S.Paulo, Jornal da Tarde, Notícias Populares, Lance!, Placar and Diário de S.Paulo. He was founder of the news site Último Segundo (www.ultimo Segundo.com.br), from the iG portal. Between 2005 and 2009 he was press officer for the São Paulo City Hall. He is the author, among other books, of "The Battle of Sarajevo" (Scritta, 1994); "Journalism and Misinformation" (Senac, 2001), "Cidade Limpa" (Clic, 2006) and "How to Live in São Paulo Without a Car" (Santa Clara Ideias). `Currently he is director of Journalism at TV Cultura-SP.
- Manuela Carneiro da Cunha - PhD in Social Sciences from the State University of Campinas (Unicamp) is a full professor at the University of Chicago and a member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences. She was president of the Brazilian Association of Anthropology (ABA) and taught at Unicamp and the University of São Paulo. She has nine books published.
- Marcelo salazar - Production engineer by UFSCar. He worked with raw materials for the cosmetic market at Rhodia SA, was a business manager at the Software Technology Institute and a Grade VI adventure tour guide. He started working with riverside populations in the Amazon as a volunteer at the Support Center for the Riverside Population of the Amazon (NAPRA) in 2000, working on the Madeira River-RO. He was a consultant for Conservation Unit management plans, formation of councils and support for the commercialization of Non-Timber Forest Products until joining ISA in 2007.
- Marcos Wesley de Oliveira - Training in Theology served as a gateway to the indigenous world. After a stay among the Guarani Kaiowá, he worked with the Kanamari of the Médio Rio Juruá (AM) and later with the Yanomami, a people he has been linked to for over 20 years. He worked mainly in the areas of education, support for indigenous organizations and cultural strengthening. In recent years, he has also dedicated himself to projects related to indigenous musical culture, through the organization Som das Aldeias, having the privilege of knowing the music of more than 30 peoples from the northern region of Brazil.
- Maria Inês Zanchetta - At ISA since 2001, he is a journalist. Graduated with a degree in Social Sciences from the University of São Paulo, she studied journalism at the Faculdade de Comunicação Social Cásper Líbero. She worked for 21 years at Abril publishing house, passing through publications such as Almanaque Abril and Superinteressante magazine, where she was a reporter, editor and executive editor. In the 1970s she was one of the founders of the feminist journal us women, in the difficult times of the military dictatorship, in defense of the rights of working women for equal pay, day care centers in the workplace, the right to abortion and against the moral and sexual harassment prevailing in factories and offices.
- Mariana Moreau
- Mario Monzoni - Academic Coordinator of the Master course in Sustainability Management at FGV Management and coordinator of the Center for Sustainability Studies at Fundação Getúlio Vargas (GVCes).
- Marta Maria Azevedo - Demographer and anthropologist, researcher at the Center for Population Studies Elza Berquó/Nepo at UNICAMP and professor at the Graduate Program in Demography at IFCH/Nepo/UNICAMP. Member of the Advisory Board of UNFPA (UN Population Fund in Brazil) and coordinator of the WG Demography of Indigenous Peoples of ABEP (Brazilian Association of Population Studies). She was coordinator of Nepo, president of the National Indian Foundation-Funai and consultant to the Ministries of Education and Health regarding the elaboration and monitoring of public policies for indigenous peoples. In the area of Demography, she works mainly with the themes: indigenous peoples, indigenous health and education, demography, indigenous ethnology. He has worked with the production of demographic information on indigenous peoples, socio-environmental indicators of indigenous lands and with the Guarani peoples and the region of Alto Rio Negro/AM, addressing the themes of education, spatial mobility, food security and access to policies public.
- Marussia Whately - Coordinator of the Aliança pela Água collective. She was the coordinator of the Imazon project in partnership with the Green Municipalities Program of the government of Pará and CLUA-Climate and Land Use Alliance. In 2010, she coordinated, with Pedro Leitão and Tasso Azevedo, the content production team for the presidential campaign Marina Silva / Guilherme Leal. She was executive coordinator of the Democracy and Sustainability Institute until September 2011. She is the organizer and author of several publications on watershed protection, sanitation and urban and peri-urban territorial management. She worked for 10 years at ISA coordinating the Mananciais de São Paulo program and the Campanha De Olho nos Mananciais. Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism from Universidade Mackenzie (1997) with specialization in water resources management and urban environment (Unicamp/ABES, 1998>.
- Mauro Almeida - Doctor in Anthropology from the University of Cambridge (UK), he is a retired professor at the State University of Campinas (Unicamp), where he continues to teach courses and guide research as a collaborator of the Master's and Doctoral program in Social Anthropology. He coordinates research projects with the participation of rubber tappers at the Biodiversity Institute of Universidade da Floresta, in Acre.
- Patricia Bustamante - Researcher at Embrapa (Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation) since 1997. Studied agronomy and plant genetics. It works in the conservation of agrobiodiversity with Traditional Peoples and Communities. She represents Embrapa in the Management Committee of the Safeguard Plan for the Traditional Agricultural System of Rio Negro / AM. She participates in the Editorial Committee of the Journal of the Brazilian Society of Ethnobiology and Ethnoecology. She is a member of the Advisory Committee (SAG) of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization's "Ingenious Systems of World Agricultural Heritage"-GIAHS/SIPAM. She is currently responsible for the Coordination of Programs and Partnerships at Embrapa's Technology Transfer Department.
- Paulo Afonso Garcia - Company administrator. Working in the environmental area since 1990. He was planning manager at CETESB, advisor to Secretary Fabio Feldmann, president of Fundação Florestal de São Paulo, planning coordinator at the State Secretariat for the Environment, executive assistant at the state coordination office for environmental education and, currently, works at FECOP – State Fund for Pollution Prevention and Control. Fiscal councilor of ISA and Instituto 5 Elementos for more than ten years, and fiscal councilor of IDS - Instituto Democracia e Sustentabilidade for 3 years.
- Paulo Junqueira - Psychologist, specializing in child psychology and children and adolescents at social risk. Since 2000 he has worked at the Xingu Indigenous Park and TI Panará. An honorary member of the Kisêdjê Indigenous Association, he worked at Fundação Abrinq, at the Instituto Ecoar pela Cidadania and was president of the Cooperative of Professionals in Child, Adolescent and Family Care, among others.
- Percival Caropreso - Advertising, worked 30 years at McCann-Erickson in four different periods. For over 23 years he has participated in communication projects to strengthen and develop the Third Sector in Brazil in a militant and voluntary way, as a citizen. As a professional, he is the founder of Sector 2 ½-Strategic Planning Advisory on Social Responsibility and Sustainability for Companies and NGOs.
- Raquel Pasinato - Biologist, socio-environmentalist, master in agroecosystem ecology. She has been working in Vale do Ribeira since 2005 working with traditional peoples and communities, especially the quilombolas. She advises quilombola communities and their organizations on local development projects and their interface with public policies. Passionate about the Atlantic Forest and its socio-biodiversity.
- Raul Telles do Valle - Bachelor of Laws (1998 - University of São Paulo), lawyer, Master in Economic Law (2002 - University of São Paulo), former professor of Environmental Law in the Environmental Management course of the National Service for the Learning of Commerce - SENAC, arrived to ISA in 2000 in the Socio-Environmental Policy and Law Program.
- Rodrigo Junqueira - Agronomist from ESALQ/USP, Master in Environmental Science from PROCAM/USP, specialist in projects and initiatives for socio-environmental adequacy and sustainable production systems. He has worked in the Xingu Program since 2014, where he led the Y Ikatu Xingu Campaign, a shared socio-environmental responsibility campaign, whose motto is the protection and recovery of springs and riparian forests that form the Xingu River, involving different actors. He also works in the Xingu Seeds Network, an initiative to value the forest, which conserves and generates income for indigenous peoples and family farmers.
- Thiago de Souza Amparo - Professor at FGV Direito SP and FGV RI, teaching courses on human rights, international law, public policies, diversity and discrimination. He is a lawyer, with a bachelor's degree from PUC-SP, a master's degree in human rights (LLM) from the Central European University (Budapest, Hungary) and a doctorate from the same university.
- washington novaes - In Memoriam - Bachelor of Laws from the University of São Paulo, journalist. He was a reporter, editor, director and columnist for several of the main Brazilian publications, including Folha de S. Paulo, O Estado de S. Paulo, Jornal do Brasil, Última Hora, Veja and Visão. On television, he was editor-in-chief of Globo Repórter, editor of Jornal Nacional and commentator for Globo Ecologia and TV news programs for Bandeirantes and Manchete networks. He was a columnist for the newspapers O Estado de S. Paulo and O Popular (from Goiânia, where he lived) and a journalism consultant for TV Cultura, supervisor and commentator for the programs Repórter Eco and Biodiversidade Debate.
- Kelly Regina Santos da Silva
- Marcelo Hercowitz
- Marivelton Rodrigues Barroso
- Rafaela Eduarda Miranda Santos
- Raimunda Nonata Rodrigues
- Silvia de Melo Futada
- Alessandra Korap Silva
- Ana Valéria Nascimento Araújo Leitão
- Francisco de Assis Porto de Oliveira
- Pablo Molloy
- Uvanderson Vitor da Silva
executive Secretary
Composed of executive secretary(s) and one or more deputies, appointed by the Board of Directors and endorsed by the General Assembly, it is the body and administration of the institute.
The executive secretary and the assistants will divide the tasks of the Executive Secretariat among themselves and will be responsible for the body in addition to coordinating its activities. Among them, the following stand out: supervising and executing administrative, financial, budgetary and planning functions; preparing and reviewing technical and financial reports on the Institute's projects and activities prior to their consideration by the Directing Council; plan and analyze half-yearly activities and budgets and submit them to the Board of Directors for consideration; coordinate the entity's fundraising activities; hire individuals or legal entities necessary for the Institute's administrative and technical activities; hire, dismiss, transfer and include in the general policy of positions and salaries, technical and functional personnel and other measures related to the staff, necessary to fulfill the Work Plans approved by the General Meeting; accept donations and grants, as long as they do not compromise the Institute's autonomy and independence; appoint the Institute's representatives at seminars, symposia, congresses and other national and international events; forward the Institute's accounting-financial statements and the annual budget forecast to the Board of Directors.
Executive Secretary
Executive Secretary
Clara de Assis Andrade
Advisors to the Executive Secretariat
Board of Directors
In charge of coordinating the association, the Board of Directors will be composed of at least four and at most six founding or effective members, elected by the General Assembly. Three of the members will be chosen from among those who do not exercise any executive role in the association, with the following main functions: approving the Strategic Plan and the Annual Work Plan, prepared by the Executive Secretariat and forwarding them for approval by the General Assembly, as well as monitoring its execution; approve new projects; administer the patrimony and manage the resources of the Institute; appoint and, when necessary, replace the members of the Executive Secretariat, "ad referendum" of the General Assembly, supervising its activities and granting powers to administer; create permanent organic executive functions, composed of an indeterminate number of professionals, setting the general attributions and budget; analyze the Institute's financial statements; to approve the semi-annual report prepared by the Executive Secretariat; approving the opening of new offices; to approve the general policy of positions and salaries proposed by the Executive Secretariat; present activity and accounting reports to the General Meeting and hire independent auditors to examine the company's accounts and finances at the end of each year.
Board of Directors
- Marcio Santilli (president)
- Marina Kahn (vice president)
- Ana Valéria Araújo
- André Villas-Bôas
- Servant Lion
- Raul Silva Telles do Valle
Fiscal Board
Fiscal Board
Responsible for analyzing and approving the institution's annual accounts and proposing guidelines, consisting of at least three members from among the founding and/or effective members of ISA, elected by the General Assembly, namely
- Isabelle VidalGianinni
- José Carlos Almeida Libânio
- Marcelo Hercowitz
- Mario Monzoni
- Pablo Molloy
Comprised of the founding and effective members who ordinarily meet each year, it is the highest decision-making body with full powers and the following main attributions: to deliberate on the activity report, balance sheet and other company accounts; elect the Board of Directors; decide on all matters of the company, including statutory amendments and their dissolution; to act as an appeal body for the decisions and deliberations of the Board of Directors; decide on the admission and exclusion of members of any category; endorse the changes proposed by the Board of Directors; endorse the implementation of new projects; authorize the sale, exchange or institution of liens on the company's real estate; establish the policy of cooperation with public and private, national and international institutions and bilateral and multilateral agencies.
See ISA reports from the year 2000
Every May, ISA publishes the activity report and the financial report for the previous year. They are endorsed by the Annual Assembly, which takes place in the first half of each year.
Financial reports | See below .pdf reports
- 2023
- 2022
- 2021
- 2020
- 2019
- 2018
- 2017
- 2016
- 2015
- 2014
- 2013
- 2012
- 2011
- 2010
- 2009
- 2008
- 2007
- 2006
- 2005
- 2004
- 2003
- 2002
- 2001
- 2000
Activity reports | See below .pdf reports
Code of Ethics and Conduct
In order to reinforce and preserve our principles and values, it has become essential to institutionalize a Compliance Program, so that these values are incorporated not only by our employees, but also by our partners, service providers and suppliers.
This Code of Ethics and Conduct was derived from the need, given the size of ISA and the complexity and plurality of our relationships, for a language capable of promoting understanding and adherence of our employees and partners, stimulating shared responsibility in our day-to-day. to-day.
For consultations about the agreement
To list all ISA agreements, you must access the Transfere.gov.br platform, where anyone can check the status of our agreements:
- Go to: https://idp.transferegov.sistema.gov.br/idp/
- Entering the website, clicking on "Free access", then on "Agreements", "Consult Agreements/Pre-Agreements", under Proponent Identification, fill in the ISA's CNPJ (00081906000188), and click consult.
Amazon Fund
Click to access the contract:
socio-biodiversity and community-based tourism for indigenous, riverside and
family farmers in the territories of the Rio Negro and Xingu Hydrographic Basins.

Fund for the Defense of Peoples' Rights
Resources resulting from funding with individuals in ISA's public campaigns will be directed to the Fund for the Defense of Peoples' Rights. The Fund's objective is to support mobilizations to defend the rights of indigenous peoples and traditional populations, as well as communication and information actions for society on socio-environmental issues. .
Fund resources are not to be confused with resources invested in local projects, from public notices and other sources, aimed at supporting initiatives for monitoring and protecting territories, economic alternatives, food sovereignty, structuring and management of local associations, cultural strengthening, alternative energy and others.
See below the Fund's collection table since its creation. The table is quarterly.
For detailed information on spending, access our activity reports e audited financials or contact relationship@socioambiental.org
1st Quarter (Jan/Feb/Mar) | 2nd Quarter (Apr/May/Jun) | 3rd Quarter (Jul/Aug/Sep) | 4th Quarter (Oct/Nov/Dec) | |
2017 | R$28.461,00 | R$38.883,00 | R$32.348,00 | R$37.093,00 |
2018 | R$35.640,00 | R$70.681,00 | R$50.272,00 | R$72.560,43 |
2019 | R$65.560,95 | R$81.205,79 | R$108.809,81 | R$201.718,00 |
2020 | R$480.688,00 | R$218.794,00 | R$212.779,00 | R $ 219.691,25 |
2021 | R $ 176.140,1 | R $ 192.796,07 | R $ 171.710,10 | R $ 182.953,86 |
2022 | R $ 171.794,65 | R $ 179.266,14 | R $ 194.460,59 | R $ 148.454,06 |
about the status
See the main questions about the ISA statuteWant to know our statute?
SEE PDF STATUTESShall we have a chat?
contactReporting Channel
The Communication and Denouncement Channel is the tool through which any violation of current laws, conduct guidelines of the Code of Ethics and Conduct and the Internal Regulations can be reported and forwarded for evaluation by the Compliance Committee, ensuring the appropriate safety of whoever makes the report. In addition, it serves so that doubts, criticisms or suggestions about the Compliance Program can be forwarded and duly resolved.
To guarantee the possibility of anonymity and build a culture of trust, we chose to hire the communication platform created and hosted by the company SafeSpace